Water Heaters

Ensure Your Family Has Ample Hot Water With Assistance From Our Water Heater Experts

When you notice a decline in your hot water supply or, worse yet, detect a leak, AJ Appliance & Refrigeration Service's team of licensed repair technicians in Foster City, CA, is here to help. With over 34 years of experience servicing a variety of natural gas and electric water heaters commonly found in California homes, you can rely on us to restore hot water to your household. Don't wait until your water heater problems escalate – call us today at 650-330-0461 to schedule your appointment!

Prompt Diagnosis and Repair Services for Every Style of Water Heater

When your home's water heater starts to malfunction, it can disrupt your daily routine and cause inconvenience beyond forcing your family into taking cold showers. Whether you're experiencing weird noises from your water heater or a limited hot water supply, our team will get to the bottom of it for you.

Faulty Heating Element

Internal Sediment Buildup

Leaking Valves

Broken Ignition System

Tankless System Cleanings

Circulation Pumps

Annual Water Heater Flushing and Cleaning Services to Prevent Costly Repairs

We recommend our residential clients call us to flush and clean their water heater systems at least once a year. Sediment and other minerals commonly found in public water sources can begin to collect within your water heater and, over time, reduce the amount of water your system can heat. But by cleaning out the trapped sediment every so often, you can extend the lifespan of your water heater system while maintaining a decent level of available hot water.

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